In fact, all I saw on screen was a bunch of overheated, overdressed aristocrat-like (at least in the beginning) people trying hard to beat the windless heat of the South by doing a whole lot of nothing, farming out their every chore to slaves.
There really is no making light of the movie either, which may be, in part, the reason I've put off seeing Gone With the Wind until this past weekend, at the ripe old age of 41. I was curious to see how the movie compared to the book I'd finally read last summer.
I do realize, by the way, that author Margaret Mitchell's main character, Scarlett O'Hara, uttered the book's title as she wondered if her home, Tara, had been burned down by the Yankees. What I don't understand is just why I liked the movie better than the book. That almost never happens for me.
It must be that the book was difficult reading. I found myself beginning to understand the Confederate side of things and that made me uncomfortable. I didn't want to feel that way. (I guess that's great writing.) And, I have never before read a book containing characters I couldn't stand. At all.
The movie, on the other hand, offers two likable characters in Melanie Hamilton and Mammy, in my not-so-expert opinion. They are portrayed differently (wiser, almost) and offer some relief to the whole tragedy of the Civil War. I enjoyed the fine acting and condensed time frame (yes, condensed, when compared to the book).
Overall, I'm glad to have read and seen this important story. No wonder it's a classic. It gives a much needed view of the losing side, and is quite a departure from the happily ended movies of today. I'm going to appreciate my Scarlett O'Hara shrub all the more.
What do you think of Gone With the Wind? Do you usually like a book more than the movie, or the other way around?
I liked Clark Gable in this. I thought his performance and acting really aged well compared to some of the other stiff performances.
ReplyDeleteIt would be really something if someone tried to do a remake someday, but then they'd probably cast someone like Robert Downey Jr. in the lead and ruin it.
I agree, Rich. Or worse yet, Tom Hanks...or Tom Cruise. I also liked Gable's acting. The Rhett Butler character he played, not so much. So, who do you think would fit that role? By the way, if you're interested in reading more about Cap'm Butler, there is a book exploring more of his character, called "Rhett Butler's People." See
ReplyDeleteI, too, waited until recently to watch this "classic" film. I LOVE old movies, old black and whites, could go on about that for days, this movie, I HATED. It is one of my sister's faves, and we usually have the same taste so I was quite surprised. I do not like Clark Cable, so that kinda ruined it for me. I just did not like it at all. It was not what I expected. And, I don't plan to read the book. I enjoy seeing how books turn into movies, and sometimes the reverse. I watched Nick & Nora's Infinite Playlist and THEN read the book, which was equally good in that indie electic way. I hated the movie version of Eragon, a book I loved. I think overall the Harry Potter movies have lived up to the books as best can be expected. One of the best recent movie adaptations I can think of is Secret Life of Bees. The book is great and the movie phenomenal as well. I could go on for days!!!
ReplyDeleteWow. I'm going to have to check out Secret Life of Bees! You know, it took me nearly all summer long to read "Gone With the Wind." I do usually read several different types of books at once, but all summer?!! Maybe it's the topic itself. I thought the Divinci Code movie was awful compared to the book. You should go on...I love to read your comments. I'm going to be out of business if you start your own blog. :)