Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Where in the World Have All the Razors Gone?

Seriously. Do you have this problem?

The last year or so has brought everyone in my house together. At last we are all on the same page about something. We're all working toward the same goal: the pursuit of hairlessness.

Both my girls are shaving. My son is even in on the act, albeit periodically. My bearded husband does his usual trim. Only thing is, while they all look real neat and tidy, I've got hair GROWING OUT MY HEMS!

I can't find a razor for the life of me.

And yet I'm afraid to bring another pack of disposables home.

They disappear as fast as the potato chips. I don't know what in the world my family does with them.

Am I missing something? Am I deficient in yet another area? Could there be another force at work here? Any help at all would be appreciated.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I have been stressing about razors, too, not so much that they disappear, but how expensive they are. 15-year-old boy needs to shave what we've affectionately nicknamed his "mutton chops" but can't because I'm too cheap to buy him his own razor...really $18 for 6 refills...what? 15-year-old daughter and I share the same brand of razor, but have our own separate handle thingie, but now suddenly no one carries the refills for them. My husband only shaves once a week so he is low-maintenance. Also, besides the cost, they are so environmentally unfriendly I don't know what to do. Truthfully, icky subject, but all personal hygeine products are so NOT green. Toothbrushes, chick stuff - filling landfills the world over. What on earth are we to do? My daughter and I have gone French this winter (i.e, not shaving, or not very often). We both have an electric/rechargeable, but they don't really give the clean, close shave of a blade. I hope I can find some of our brand of refills before spring/capri season is here. And, as for Mr. Mutton Chops, maybe he should just let them grow and work that Elvis look...hahaha

  3. LOL!Yes, expense. My 13-year-old boy got one of those more permanent razors for his birthday and I don't expect he'll be needing refills for, say, another 13 years at this rate. :) So maybe assigning a razor to each person in the house is the answer? Or do you leave them in the shower and people are just supposed to use their own? I agree with you on the whole ungreen hygiene disposal thing. I also have been sporting the Euro look with unshaven legs. Thank goodness for pants!
